Deprecated: __autoload() is deprecated, use spl_autoload_register() instead in /home/mendipla/public_html/includes/src/Mage_Core_functions.php on line 60

Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /home/mendipla/public_html/includes/src/Mage_Core_functions.php on line 32
* * @param object $object * @param string $method * @param Varien_Event_Observer $observer * @return Mage_Core_Model_App * @throws Mage_Core_Exception */ protected function _callObserverMethod($object, $method, $observer) { if (method_exists($object, $method)) { $object->$method($observer); } elseif (Mage::getIsDeveloperMode()) { Mage::throwException('Method "'.$method.'" is not defined in "'.get_class($object).'"'); } return $this; } public function setUpdateMode($value) { $this->_updateMode = $value; } public function getUpdateMode() { return $this->_updateMode; } public function throwStoreException() { throw new Mage_Core_Model_Store_Exception(''); } /** * Set use session var instead of SID for URL * * @param bool $var * @return Mage_Core_Model_App */ public function setUseSessionVar($var) { $this->_useSessionVar = (bool)$var; return $this; } /** * Retrieve use flag session var instead of SID for URL * * @return bool */ public function getUseSessionVar() { return $this->_useSessionVar; } /** * Get either default or any store view * * @return Mage_Core_Model_Store */ public function getAnyStoreView() { $store = $this->getDefaultStoreView(); if ($store) { return $store; } foreach ($this->getStores() as $store) { return $store; } } /** * Set Use session in URL flag * * @param bool $flag * @return Mage_Core_Model_App */ public function setUseSessionInUrl($flag = true) { $this->_useSessionInUrl = (bool)$flag; return $this; } /** * Retrieve use session in URL flag * * @return bool */ public function getUseSessionInUrl() { return $this->_useSessionInUrl; } /** * Allow or disallow single store mode * * @param bool $value * @return Mage_Core_Model_App */ public function setIsSingleStoreModeAllowed($value) { $this->_isSingleStoreAllowed = (bool)$value; return $this; } /** * Prepare array of store groups * can be filtered to contain default store group or not by $withDefault flag * depending on flag $codeKey array keys can be group id or group code * * @param bool $withDefault * @param bool $codeKey * @return array */ public function getGroups($withDefault = false, $codeKey = false) { $groups = array(); if (is_array($this->_groups)) { foreach ($this->_groups as $group) { if (!$withDefault && $group->getId() == 0) { continue; } if ($codeKey) { $groups[$group->getCode()] = $group; } else { $groups[$group->getId()] = $group; } } } return $groups; } /** * Retrieve application installation flag * * @deprecated since 1.2 * @return bool */ public function isInstalled() { return Mage::isInstalled(); } /** * Generate cache tags from cache id * * @deprecated after, functionality implemented in Mage_Core_Model_Cache * @param string $id * @param array $tags * @return array */ protected function _getCacheTags($tags=array()) { foreach ($tags as $index=>$value) { $tags[$index] = $this->_getCacheId($value); } return $tags; } /** * Get file name with cache configuration settings * * @deprecated after, functionality implemented in Mage_Core_Model_Cache * @return string */ public function getUseCacheFilename() { return $this->_config->getOptions()->getEtcDir().DS.'use_cache.ser'; } /** * Generate cache id with application specific data * * @deprecated after, functionality implemented in Mage_Core_Model_Cache * @param string $id * @return string */ protected function _getCacheId($id=null) { if ($id) { $id = $this->prepareCacheId($id); } return $id; } /** * Prepare identifier which can be used as cache id or cache tag * * @deprecated after, functionality implemented in Mage_Core_Model_Cache * @param string $id * @return string */ public function prepareCacheId($id) { $id = strtoupper($id); $id = preg_replace('/([^a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,1})/', '_', $id); return $id; } /** * Get is cache locked * * @return bool */ public function getIsCacheLocked() { return (bool)$this->_isCacheLocked; } /** * Unset website by id from app cache * * @param null|bool|int|string|Mage_Core_Model_Website $id * @return void */ public function clearWebsiteCache($id = null) { if (is_null($id)) { $id = $this->getStore()->getWebsiteId(); } elseif ($id instanceof Mage_Core_Model_Website) { $id = $id->getId(); } elseif ($id === true) { $id = $this->_website->getId(); } if (!empty($this->_websites[$id])) { $website = $this->_websites[$id]; unset($this->_websites[$website->getWebsiteId()]); unset($this->_websites[$website->getCode()]); } } }
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Mage_Core_Model_App' not found in /home/mendipla/public_html/app/Mage.php:670 Stack trace: #0 /home/mendipla/public_html/index.php(83): Mage::run('', 'store') #1 {main} thrown in /home/mendipla/public_html/app/Mage.php on line 670