Deprecated: __autoload() is deprecated, use spl_autoload_register() instead in /home/mendipla/public_html/includes/src/Mage_Core_functions.php on line 60

Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /home/mendipla/public_html/includes/src/Mage_Core_functions.php on line 32
m string $currency * @return Zend_Currency */ public function currency($currency) { Varien_Profiler::start('locale/currency'); if (!isset(self::$_currencyCache[$this->getLocaleCode()][$currency])) { $options = array(); try { $currencyObject = new Zend_Currency($currency, $this->getLocale()); } catch (Exception $e) { /** * catch specific exceptions like "Currency 'USD' not found" * - back end falls with specific locals as Malaysia and etc. * * as we can see from Zend framework ticket * * zend team is not going to change it behaviour in the near time */ $currencyObject = new Zend_Currency($currency); $options['name'] = $currency; $options['currency'] = $currency; $options['symbol'] = $currency; } $options = new Varien_Object($options); Mage::dispatchEvent('currency_display_options_forming', array( 'currency_options' => $options, 'base_code' => $currency )); $currencyObject->setFormat($options->toArray()); self::$_currencyCache[$this->getLocaleCode()][$currency] = $currencyObject; } Varien_Profiler::stop('locale/currency'); return self::$_currencyCache[$this->getLocaleCode()][$currency]; } /** * Returns the first found number from an string * Parsing depends on given locale (grouping and decimal) * * Examples for input: * ' 2345.4356,1234' = 23455456.1234 * '+23,3452.123' = 233452.123 * ' 12343 ' = 12343 * '-9456km' = -9456 * '0' = 0 * '2 054,10' = 2054.1 * '2'054.52' = 2054.52 * '2,46 GB' = 2.46 * * @param string|float|int $value * @return float|null */ public function getNumber($value) { if (is_null($value)) { return null; } if (!is_string($value)) { return floatval($value); } //trim spaces and apostrophes $value = str_replace(array('\'', ' '), '', $value); $separatorComa = strpos($value, ','); $separatorDot = strpos($value, '.'); if ($separatorComa !== false && $separatorDot !== false) { if ($separatorComa > $separatorDot) { $value = str_replace('.', '', $value); $value = str_replace(',', '.', $value); } else { $value = str_replace(',', '', $value); } } elseif ($separatorComa !== false) { $value = str_replace(',', '.', $value); } return floatval($value); } /** * Functions returns array with price formatting info for js function * formatCurrency in js/varien/js.js * * @return array */ public function getJsPriceFormat() { $format = Zend_Locale_Data::getContent($this->getLocaleCode(), 'currencynumber'); $symbols = Zend_Locale_Data::getList($this->getLocaleCode(), 'symbols'); $pos = strpos($format, ';'); if ($pos !== false){ $format = substr($format, 0, $pos); } $format = preg_replace("/[^0\#\.,]/", "", $format); $totalPrecision = 0; $decimalPoint = strpos($format, '.'); if ($decimalPoint !== false) { $totalPrecision = (strlen($format) - (strrpos($format, '.')+1)); } else { $decimalPoint = strlen($format); } $requiredPrecision = $totalPrecision; $t = substr($format, $decimalPoint); $pos = strpos($t, '#'); if ($pos !== false){ $requiredPrecision = strlen($t) - $pos - $totalPrecision; } $group = 0; if (strrpos($format, ',') !== false) { $group = ($decimalPoint - strrpos($format, ',') - 1); } else { $group = strrpos($format, '.'); } $integerRequired = (strpos($format, '.') - strpos($format, '0')); $result = array( 'pattern' => Mage::app()->getStore()->getCurrentCurrency()->getOutputFormat(), 'precision' => $totalPrecision, 'requiredPrecision' => $requiredPrecision, 'decimalSymbol' => $symbols['decimal'], 'groupSymbol' => $symbols['group'], 'groupLength' => $group, 'integerRequired' => $integerRequired ); return $result; } /** * Push current locale to stack and replace with locale from specified store * Event is not dispatched. * * @param int $storeId */ public function emulate($storeId) { if ($storeId) { $this->_emulatedLocales[] = clone $this->getLocale(); $this->_locale = new Zend_Locale(Mage::getStoreConfig(self::XML_PATH_DEFAULT_LOCALE, $storeId)); $this->_localeCode = $this->_locale->toString(); Mage::getSingleton('core/translate')->setLocale($this->_locale)->init('frontend', true); } else { $this->_emulatedLocales[] = false; } } /** * Get last locale, used before last emulation * */ public function revert() { if ($locale = array_pop($this->_emulatedLocales)) { $this->_locale = $locale; $this->_localeCode = $this->_locale->toString(); Mage::getSingleton('core/translate')->setLocale($this->_locale)->init('adminhtml', true); } } /** * Returns localized informations as array, supported are several * types of informations. * For detailed information about the types look into the documentation * * @param string $path (Optional) Type of information to return * @param string $value (Optional) Value for detail list * @return array Array with the wished information in the given language */ public function getTranslationList($path = null, $value = null) { return $this->getLocale()->getTranslationList($path, $this->getLocale(), $value); } /** * Returns a localized information string, supported are several types of informations. * For detailed information about the types look into the documentation * * @param string $value Name to get detailed information about * @param string $path (Optional) Type of information to return * @return string|false The wished information in the given language */ public function getTranslation($value = null, $path = null) { return $this->getLocale()->getTranslation($value, $path, $this->getLocale()); } /** * Replace all yy date format to yyyy * * @param $currentFormat * @return mixed */ protected function _convertYearTwoDigitTo4($currentFormat) { return preg_replace('/(\byy\b)/', 'yyyy', $currentFormat); } /** * Returns the localized country name * * @param string $value Name to get detailed information about * @return array */ public function getCountryTranslation($value) { return $this->getLocale()->getTranslation($value, 'country', $this->getLocale()); } /** * Returns an array with the name of all countries translated to the given language * * @return array */ public function getCountryTranslationList() { return $this->getLocale()->getTranslationList('territory', $this->getLocale(), 2); } /** * Checks if current date of the given store (in the store timezone) is within the range * * @param int|string|Mage_Core_Model_Store $store * @param string|null $dateFrom * @param string|null $dateTo * @return bool */ public function isStoreDateInInterval($store, $dateFrom = null, $dateTo = null) { if (!$store instanceof Mage_Core_Model_Store) { $store = Mage::app()->getStore($store); } $storeTimeStamp = $this->storeTimeStamp($store); $fromTimeStamp = strtotime($dateFrom); $toTimeStamp = strtotime($dateTo); if ($dateTo) { // fix date YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00 to YYYY-MM-DD 23:59:59 $toTimeStamp += 86400; } $result = false; if (!is_empty_date($dateFrom) && $storeTimeStamp < $fromTimeStamp) { } elseif (!is_empty_date($dateTo) && $storeTimeStamp > $toTimeStamp) { } else { $result = true; } return $result; } }
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Mage_Core_Model_Locale' not found in /home/mendipla/public_html/includes/src/Mage_Core_Model_App.php:378 Stack trace: #0 /home/mendipla/public_html/includes/src/Mage_Core_Model_App.php(299): Mage_Core_Model_App->_initEnvironment() #1 /home/mendipla/public_html/includes/src/Mage_Core_Model_App.php(348): Mage_Core_Model_App->baseInit(Array) #2 /home/mendipla/public_html/app/Mage.php(683): Mage_Core_Model_App->run(Array) #3 /home/mendipla/public_html/index.php(83): Mage::run('', 'store') #4 {main} thrown in /home/mendipla/public_html/includes/src/Mage_Core_Model_App.php on line 378